Blog - A blog (narrative) of their current adventure
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The 2020 cruising season got off to a late start because of COVID-19. It began to look like “Miss My Money” would be trapped in the Erie Canal until mid-August. The canal corporation was able to get western Erie opened by the 4th of July so plans are to head back out the Western Erie, further explore Lake Erie and Lake Huron and end up near the top of Michigan by fall.
Read about their current adventure from the Blog link above or check out some of their previous adventures from the links below.
In 2019 “Miss My Money” spent the summer cruising in the cool northern waters of New York, Canada, and Michigan. She visited Montreal, Ottawa, and the many little villages along the Rideau Canal. She traveled on Lake Huron and Lake Erie for the first time and then took the Western Erie Canal back into Brewerton, New York, where she spent the winter.
In 2018 "Miss My Money" participated in the PDQ Lobsta Crawl up to Maine. After a few short excursions in West Florida over the winter, she left Ft. Myers in May, 2018 and headed up the coast. The PDQers all met up in Block Island, Rhode Island, traveled to Boston for the 4th of July and then on up into Maine. While in Maine several stops were made to enjoy the taste of local fresh caught lobster. When the PDQ event was over, she made her way back down Long Island Sound, up the Hudson River into the Erie Canal where she went into a heated storage building in Brewerton, New York for a long winters nap. Dave and Barbara left her there in October and headed back home to Ft. Myers.
In 2017 they boated in Florida. David single handed brought "Miss My Money" back across the state and up to Jacksonville in March. After a spell on the hard for a new bottom job, prop tune-up and new zincs, she went back in the water. We then made several trips down the St. Johns River before re-positioning her in her new home in Ft. Myers in November, 2017.
In 2016 they headed north into Canada for the summer, then chased the fall colors down the river systems. They took a side trip up into Knoxville, continued on down the rivers to Mobile Alabama before crossing the Gulf Coast and making their way back into Florida.
In 2015 they spent four months on "Miss My Money", traveling as far north as New Bedford, Massachusetts, exploring both sides of the Long Island Sound along the way.
In 2013 they explored the Chesapeake on the m/v "MemoryMaker too...".
In 2012 they traveled from Jacksonville to Canada, exploring 72 days in Canada.
In 2009 they traveled from Jacksonville to Washington D.C. doing more sightseeing along the way.
In 2005 they completed their "Great Loop" adventure, where they circumnavigated the eastern half of the United States.
2018 Lobsta Crawl PDQ Flotilla Adventure
Last updated: July, 2020